Embracing Anger

Embracing Anger

Despite being an avid reader, I realize I missed some classics along the way. If you know me, you know I read Harry Potter for the first time about 18 months ago. I’ve read them through at least 2-3 additional times since. So wonderful. I love escaping to Hogwarts. I...
Self Care When the News is Triggering

Self Care When the News is Triggering

Publicity around sexual assault is a double -edged sword. On the one hand, I appreciate bringing awareness to an issue that affects so many of us. But hashtags such as #whyididntreport sometimes lead to increasing triggers and shame for those not ready to share their...
Recovery is a Lifelong Journey

Recovery is a Lifelong Journey

Healing is a powerful thing. No matter where we are on the recovery journey, there is always work that can be done. Following this, I recently decided to attend an Onsite Workshop in Tennessee. I have been interested in Onsite for a few years and as a Valentine’s Day...
Holiday Self Care

Holiday Self Care

For some of us, holidays bring fond memories and opportunities for new experiences of joy and connection with family and friends. For many others, holidays are a time of obligation, tension, and triggers. Sometimes having great holiday time makes us sad that we do not...