Losing a client can feel like the loss of a family member.
Stay with me for a second, as I know that may sound off to some.
We nurture our clients, and teach them new ways of being in the world.
We’re their number one confidant, biggest cheerleader, and honest truth teller.
Their successes and struggles become a part of us, and even with the best of boundaries, we are human and we connect.
Or at least we should if we are good at our work. So when we lose a client, no matter the cause, it can be devastating.
Client loss is one of those members only clubs no one wants to be initiated into, as it is a lonely place where many members are afraid to self identify due to shame.
Impact on Clinical Work
The second-guessing and “what ifs” can lead to paralysis with clinical decisions.
Fear of making a mistake can get in the way of our clinical intuition and make us hesitant with future clients.
So many clinicians avoid discussing their losses because the grief is compounded by the feeling of failure.
“If I were better at my job, they would still be alive.”
There is Hope
Drawing from my own experiences of client loss and subsequent post- traumatic growth, I can support you through this process with compassion and understanding.
I’m available for individual counseling and consultation around this unique experience of grief.
I can also come speak to your treatment center and/or hold a one-time or on-going group to process grief with your team.
Call today for a free phone consultation to learn more about grief therapy for treatment providers. I’ve been there and am here to compassionately support you in the process of healing.
“What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” – Helen Keller